
Manor Park Infant and Nursery School

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Welcome to Cub's Class!

Miss Revy teaches the Cubs. Mrs Christian and Miss O'Brien are the teaching assistants in Foundation 2.



Please remember....


PE day will be on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Please ensure your child brings to school a labelled PE kit. Thank you!

We change reading books each Tuesday and Friday. 


Autumn Term


Welcome to the Autumn term in the cubs. We hope you have had a wonderful summer break and are ready for the busy yet exciting term ahead. I shall post regular messages and information on our class page and on tapestry so please do have a look regularly to see what wonderful learning our little learners have been doing. 


Week 1


It has been an amazing first week in the cubs. We have enjoyed getting to know your wonderful, smiling, happy children. We have been busy learning new routines and are feeling rather tired at the end of our first week. We have worked so hard and been so kind, helpful and caring. We read a book called The Colour Monster, which helped us think about our feelings. We helped the mixed up colour monster sort his feelings into jars. We learnt lots of synonyms for happy (over the moon, overjoyed, excited, delighted, cheerful) and sad (glum, gloomy, unhappy, tearful, crying). We enjoyed making the mixed up colour monster from playdough. Do you like our creations?

Week 2


This week, we have started our new topic for this half term, which is 'People Who Help Us.' As part of our topic, we shall read a book each week about someone who help us, such as fire fighters, the police or medical staff. This week, we are enjoying reading Mr Tick the Teacher by Allan Ahlberg. Today, in our workshop, we have begun making a large floor map of Calverton- we drew roads, streets, round-abouts, signs and fields. Tomorrow we shall build our school and the surrounding buildings from boxes and recycled materials.

We are also busy enjoying our new phonics sessions. We are getting really good at recognising a grapheme and saying the matching phoneme. 

Week 3

Mog and the V.E.T


This week we are busy learning all about the vets. We are reading Mog and the Vet by Judith Kerr. This morning we learnt how to draw Mog the cat. We had a go on our whiteboards with much success. Look at our beautiful illustrations. We have also been busy making dogs from playdough and we are excited as we have a pet dog in our home corner who we have to take care of. 



Summer Term B

Week 5

Art week

This week has been art week and we have been amazing artists. We studied the artist David Hockney and we focused particularly on his swimming pool pictures such as ‘Splash’. We looked at and discussed the shapes and shades of blue we could see. We created our own splash and drew them. We also mixed different shades of blue to create our own splash picture.

Week 4

Recycling and plastics

This week we have been learning all about the pollution in our oceans and in particular how harmful plastic can be to the animals and plants. We have talked about reduce, reuse and recycle. In literacy we read a story called 'Little Turtle' and wrote about it in our books. We also created posters about stopping the pollution of our oceans. In addition we have learned about Sir David Attenborough. In maths this week we have focussed on naming 3D shapes and discussing their properties. We recorded how many faces each shape has and how many are flat and how many are curved. We also recorded how many vertices each shape has. We used our knowledge of the shapes to sort them using different criteria. Independently we have been 'marine scientists' monitoring our 'ocean' in the classroom. We recorded how it changed each day. It got increasingly polluted over the week. We made turtles using the playdough, painted seascapes on clingfilm and collaged fish using scales cut from plastic bags. We read some words and matched them to the correct picture and also sorted 3D shapes. We had a great visit to Lowdham where we participated in a multi-sports event with other schools. 

Week 3


This week we have been focussing on predators in the ocean namely sharks. We have labelled the parts of a shark and learnt some interesting facts. We then used this information to write in our literacy books. We have also completed a piece of independent writing about the story 'Shark in the Park' by Nick Sharratt. In mathematics this week we have been learning about positional language. Using a box and a bowl we have been putting teddy in various places such as 'on top', 'next to', 'behind', 'inside', 'outside' and 'in between' and so on. we have also learned about different types of sharks and learned how to draw a shark. Independently we have made sharks teeth using play dough, painted sharks, created rocking sharks and a picture of a shark using newspaper. We have also read and followed instructions using positional language and made a habitat for a sea creature in the construction area.

Week 2

Ocean habitats

This week we have continued to learn about the oceans. We have focussed on ocean habitats. We read different facts about the ocean zones and found out about some of the animals and plants which live in the deepest depths of the ocean. We wrote some of the facts about ocean habitats in our literacy books. In numeracy we have investigated halving shapes and quantities. We learned that halving means to have two equal parts. We also read a story called 'The Doorbell Rang' and investigated sharing a given quantity equally between different numbers of children. For example sharing eight between 2 children and then 4 children. We have also been Super Scientists and made ocean waves in a bottle using blue water and baby oil. We also made layers of the ocean in another bottle too. We have been Amazing Artists and mixed different shades of blue to represent each of the different ocean zones. We have made handprint octopuses and stuck cereals on the tentacles to represent suckers. We have enjoyed playing in our yellow submarine role-play and singing 'Yellow Submarine' by the Beatles.


Week 1

The Ocean

This week we have started our theme of Under the Ocean. We have learned the names of the five oceans and read some facts about each one. We used this information to write about the oceans in our literacy book. We also learnt about the different ocean zones and some of the creatures which live there. We have been Super Scientists and investigated making salt water and salt crystals. In numeracy we been learning how to combine two or more shapes to create a new shape. We had to think carefully how to orientate and arrange the shapes. We were also challenged to arrange some given Numicon pieces into a grid like a jigsaw puzzle. Independently we have read about some 'odd fish', written about a seaside picture, made a jellyfish and created a our own seaside picture.


Summer Term A

Week 4

Crich Tramway Museum

Week 3

The coronation of His Majesty King Charles III

Week 2

My house

This week we have been sharing facts about our house using photos and drawings we brought to school. We then wrote some facts about our house in our literacy books. We learned about different types of houses and talked about which type of house we live in. We also talked about the number of our house and our addresses. In mathematics we focussed on ordering numbers, missing numbers and reinforced our learning about the composition of 'teens' numbers. Independently we printed a brick pattern and then made our brick pattern into a house. We drew the interior and exterior of our houses. We used our fine motor skills by using a pipette to put water into the studs of a Duplo brick. We also used some magnetic shapes to build our own houses. We also had Dan from Trent Bridge cricket ground to teach us some cricket skills.

Week 1

St George and the Dragon

All the children have returned to school for the summer term very settled and ready to learn!

This week we have been learning all about St George and the Dragon as it is St Georges Day on Sunday. In our literacy books we have written about St George and we have completed a piece of writing independently about the dragon. In maths this week we have been investigating the 'teens' numbers using ten frames and Numicon. We have discussed how the the numbers are composed of one ten and... For example, 14 is one ten and four. We have located England on Google Earth and discussed English traditions and symbols such as the lion and the rose. Independently we have painted some amazing dragons, adding features using a black pen when they were dry. We have created an English flag by ripping and sticking red tissue paper for the cross. We have made knights and dragons by joining the pieces together using split pins and built castles using the Lego.


Spring Term B

Week 5

The Princess and the Pea

This week we have been reading the story of the Princess and the Pea. We created a story map and talked about the order of events. We then wrote about the story in our Literacy books. In mathematics we have been comparing numbers by creating towers of bricks. Each tower increased by 'one more' each time. We have also been ordering numbers from the smallest to the largest and vice versa. We have been naming and talking about the properties of 3D shapes. We also investigated whether they could roll or not and also whether they could be used to build a tower. Independently we have created pictures of the bed the princess slept on and and making ladders using straws and card. We have made peas using the playdough and balanced dried peas on golf tees! Following on from our phonics we have been reading compound words independently such as popcorn, carpark and farmyard and matching them to the correct picture.

Week 4

Science Week!

This week it is Science Week. The theme is 'Connections' and we are focussing on water.

We are using a wordless book called 'Float' as a starting point for our science enquiry.


I wonder which flower will bloom first? We talked about the paper flowers and noticed that they were all the same size and that they all had the same number of petals. But they were made of different types of paper. We folded the petals into the centre of the flower and then put them in the water at the same time. We found out that the kitchen towel bloomed first and the red flower took the longest to bloom.


I wonder if all paper is absorbent? We explored and discussed different types of paper. We predicted which we thought might be absorbent. Then we investigated each different type of paper using the pipettes to create raindrops. We found out that not all paper is absorbent.


We investigated puddles. We noticed we could see reflections and ripples in puddles. We found some natural objects to float in the puddles and talked about how the puddle changed in size over a period of time. We explored newspaper. We talked about how noisy it is, observed it when we dropped it from a height, made it as small as we could and then tried to make it as flat as we could again.

Week 3

Jack and the Beanstalk

This week we have been learning about Jack and the Beanstalk. We focussed on the giant and talked about what he is like and thought of adjectives to describe him. We wrote sentences in our literacy books and included the adjectives we had thought of. In mathematics we have compared giants and beanstalks using the vocabulary tall, taller, tallest and short, shorter, shortest. We have also talked about wide and narrow. We have been Super Scientists and talked about the life cycle of a bean. We have planted some beans in soil and put some in food bags with cotton wool so we can observe them germinating. Independently we have mixed different shades of green, made giants and printed a brick pattern in preparation to create castles. We have labelled a giant and written about a magic bean.

Week 2

St David's Day and World Book Day

We have had a very busy week this week. We have located Wales on a map and learnt how St David' Day is celebrated. We made daffodils and Welsh flags and we also did some observational drawings of daffodils. We labelled the different parts of a daffodil and then went on to write some facts about daffodils too. In maths we have been learning about pairs using wellington boots and socks. We have been counting out a given number of objects and then putting them into pairs to determine whether the number is odd or even. It was also world book day on Thursday and we enjoyed dressing up as our favourite book character. In addition we also experienced wheelchair basketball which was great fun!

Week 1

The Three Billy Goats Gruff

This week we have been focussing on the story of The Three Billy Goats Gruff. We have sequenced the events in the story and then retold the story in our own words using the repeated phrases and appropriate vices for each of the characters. In our literacy books we wrote three events that happened in the story in the right order. In mathematics we have been investigating pairs of numbers which make a total of ten using ten frames and numicon. We have also been recording the addition number sentences in our books and checking to ensure that we have found all possibilities. Independently we have been mixing green to paint a troll and using paint to create a handprint goat. In the making area we have made goats, trolls and the story setting so we can retell the story. We have retold the story in the small world and investiagted ten using ten frames and counters.


Spring Term A

Week 6

The Gingerbread Man

This week we have been reading the story of the Gingerbread Man. We have enjoyed creating a story map together and joining in with the repeated phrases when retelling the story. In our literacy books we have written about our favourite part of the story. In mathematics we have been learning how to combine two groups of objects using the part, part, whole method. we have used vocabulary such as 'how many altogether' and 'total'. We have also been learning how to record the corresponding addition number sentence including using the symbols + and =. Independently we have painted characters from the story, made split pin gingerbread men and gingerbread men with concertinaed legs. We have investigated combining two numbers using coat hangers and pegs and enjoyed retelling the story in the small world. We also enjoyed the balance bikes which cmae to school this week!

Week 5

The Elves and The Shoemaker

This week we have read the story of The Elves and The Shoemaker. We have created a story map and told the story in our own words. In our literacy books we have been labelling the clothes that the elf has been wearing and writing a card to the elves to thank them for the shoes they have made. In mathematics we have been investigating and exploring ways of making totals to seven and eight with two numbers. We used our red and yellow discs and and the part, part, whole method. Independently we have been 'sewing' shoes, making clothes for the elves and designing and making our own shoes. We have also been investigating pairs of numbers which make six and seven using ladybirds and retelling the story in the small world using props. We have also enjoyed our role play shoe shop!

Week 4

Garden Birds and Chinese New Year

This week we have been learning about garden birds and in particular the robin. For literacy we labelled a robin and researched facts about robins. We chose some facts to write in our literacy books. We also identified and discussed what was the same and what was different between a robin and a blackbird. In mathematics we have been investigating pairs of numbers which make six and seven. We have used our discs which are red on one side and yellow on the other. We dropped them from a height and recorded how many fell on the red side and how many fell on the yellow side. We did this several times and had to solve the problem of making sure we had found all possibilities. We also used the part, part, whole method to record pairs of numbers which make six and seven in our maths books. During our topic times in the afternoon we have been learning about Chinese New Year. Independently we have painted robins, made robins and completed 'jigsaws' of birds made of pictures cut into strips. We have investigated the numbers six and seven independently by arranging different numbers of black and white feathers onto a bird. We have also enjoyed our role play Chinese restaurant! 


Week 3

The Three Little Pigs

This week we learnt all about The Three Little Pigs. We talked about the characters and used an appropriate voice and expression to repeat familiar words and phrases. We focussed on using adjectives and noun phrases to describe the wolf. We used this vocabulary to say and write sentences in our literacy books to describe the wolf. In maths we investigated weight. We used balance scales to put a selection of objects inn order from the lightest to the heaviest. Independently we mixed the colour pink to paint a pigs face, made pigs using playdough, retold the story in our role play area and investigated building houses using different materials. 

Week 1 and 2

Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Oh no! We discovered a crime scene. Someone had been in the bears cottage. We looked for clues and thought about the evidence. The small bowl of porridge had been eaten, a small chair had been broken, there was a lock of golden hair and a ribbon. Who could it be? We came to the conclusion that it must have been Goldilocks! We read the story and wrote a description of Goldilocks for literacy. We talked about the characters and practised saying the repeated words and phrases with appropriate expression in our voices. We also created a story map, putting the events in the correct order and then retelling the story in our own words. In maths we have been learning about pairs of numbers which make four and five. We used circles which were red on one side and yellow on the other. We dropped them from a height and recorded how many were red and how many were yellow. We repeated this several times until we had found all the ways of making four and five. We also used two buckets. Mrs. Morris had four balls. She put some in one bucket and the rest in the other. Then she showed how many in the first bucket and we had to calculate how many in the other bucket if the total was four. We repeated this several times and investigated the number five too. Independently we have been investigating fingerprints, creating bears with paint and a fork, role playing the story, writing speech bubbles for the characters and making Goldilocks and bear headbands to name just a few of the activities we have done!


Autumn Term B

Week 6

Stick Man and Brackenhurst trip

This week we have focussed on another Julia Donaldson book, Stick Man. In literacy we have read the story and created a story map. We also continued to learn how to write a simple sentence by writing a speech bubble for Stick man saying 'I am Stick Man. I can jog.' In numeracy this week we have been learning to identify and name 2D shapes including a pentagon and hexagon. We have discussed the properties of each shape using vocabulary such as straight side, curved side, corners, vertices and so on. Independently we have printed Stick man using sticks, created our own stick character, rolled play dough to create a Stick Man and wound wool around a stick which was quite tricky!

The highlight of our week has been a trip to Brackenhust. We acted out the Nativity story by  'travelling to Bethlehem' and answering clues on the way. We had to pay our taxes and we all dressed up to act out the story in a barn. We were even able to stroke two donkeys! After we had had our lunch we got creative and made some Christmas crafts to take home! We had a thoroughly enjoyable time.

Week 5

A Squash and a Squeeze continued...

This week we have continued with the story of a Squash and a Squeeze. In literacy we have been learning how to write simple sentences about who was in the house. First of all we think of a sentence, next we say the sentence counting the words on our fingers as we do so, then we write the sentence and finally we read it to check that it makes sense. In mathematics we have continued learning about the composition of numbers. But this week we have been using the 'part, part, whole' method to investigate numbers. Independently we have squashed and squeezed paint out of icing bags, threaded beads onto uncooked spaghetti and squashed and squeezed liquids in our science investigation area. We have also learned about Scotland, St Andrews Day and how it is celebrated. We made flags, painted thistles and used rulers to help create tartan patterns.

Week 4

A Squash and a Squeeze

This week we have continued our learning by reading another book by Julia Donaldson and focussed on the text 'A squash and a Squeeze'. We wrote a list of the characters which included writing our tricky word 'the'. For example, 'the pig', 'the hen' and so on. We also created another story map which we used to retell the story and act out on our stage. In mathematics we have been investigating different ways of making totals to five using two numbers. For example, we can make four using the numbers 0 and 4, 1 and 3, 2 and 2 and so on. We have used Numicon, counters and cubes. This is called the composition of number. Independently we have been squashing and squeezing dry pasta in and out of tennis balls as well as squashing and squeezing play dough. We have made hens, cows, and painted the old woman and the wise old man from the story. We have also been reading simple sentences independently to put 'food' into the old lady's 'larder' and making 3, 4 and 5 using two different colours of cubes.

Week 3

Room on the Broom

This week have focussed on the story Room on the Broom. We have learned how to use a story map to order the events. We used the story map and the repeated phrases and vocabulary to help retell the story. We also added some actions. We learned all about what a theatre is and then we went to perform the story on our stage. Some of us were the actors and some of us were the audience. We even had tickets and numbered seats! For mathematics we have focussed on representing numbers in different ways. We have used a ten frame, Numicon and our fingers. In our maths book we had to represent a given number by drawing circles or crosses. We have also investigated ways of making five using our fingers. Independently we have been investigating making different potions, creating a handprint dragon, threading tiny beads on a pipe cleaner broomstick and making wands. We have also been reading the simple sentence 'Put in a ...' to add 'ingredients' to the 'cauldron' and completing Room on the Broom jigsaws. In addition, we have had circle time to discuss being a good friend. We created a 'potion' for being a good friend by adding appropriate qualities into a 'cauldron'.

Week 2


We have learnt about the significance of poppies as a symbol to remember those who have died in conflict. We participated in the two minute national silence broadcast on the BBC.

Week 1


This week we have been learning all about Diwali and how it is celebrated. Diwali means 'festival of light'. We listened to a story about Rama and Sita and how an unkind character called Ravana was defeated. At Diwali lots of diva lamps are lit to remember how Rama and Sita found their way back home in the dark. We made a card and wrote a message inside for literacy. We even wrote our names independently without using our name cards! We also talked about the food which is eaten at Diwali and tased some Diwali 'sweets'. They were delicious! In numeracy we have continued to identify one more and one less than a given number. We used a number line and performed some magic using a magic hat. The magic hat changed the numbers into one more or one less. It was amazing! Independently we have printed rangoli patterns, made a garland and diva lamps using playdough.


Autumn Term A

Week 5

The International Space Station

This week we have been learning about how astronauts live in the International Space Station by reading a non-fiction text and watching a short video clip of an astronaut in the space station. We saw how the astronauts clean their teeth and how they sleep. The astronauts sleep in sleeping bags in pods which are situated in the floor, the walls and even the 'ceiling'! Astronauts have packets of dehydrated food and they also need to exercise on the space station. Astronauts wear ordinary clothes in the space station and a space suit for protection when they need to work outside the space station. For literacy we labelled an astronaut's space suit by listening carefully to the sounds we could hear in words such as 'helmet', 'gloves' and 'boots'. In mathematics this week we have been comparing numbers and amounts. We have used vocabulary such as 'more than', 'less than' and 'equal'. We have also compared height by comparing towers as well as comparing length and weight. We have explored capacity and compared containers using vocabulary such as 'full', 'empty', and 'half full'. Independently we have created planets using paint and clingfilm, fastened nuts and bolts, made a moving space rocket and read cvc words and matched them to pictures. We have also investigated 'moon dust' and 'moon rocks' in our space station lab.

Week 4

Goodnight Spaceman

This week we have read a book called Goodnight Spaceman all about two boys who imagined themselves as astronauts going into space. We have been learning to identify sounds and the corresponding graphemes in cvc words such as 'pig', 'cat' and 'dog' in order to spell them. In maths we have been learning to sort objects in different ways. We have sorted by colour, shape and size. We even had a tricky Friday challenge to sort some buttons in a different way. We sorted them by the number of holes they had. Independently we have been making split pin astronauts, shape rockets and collecting 'planets' in a bottle using a spoon. We have written some astronaut passports and we have also used our imagination to travel to space in our role play rocket!

Week 3

The Planets in our Solar System

This week we have been learning all about the planets in our solar system. We have read a non-fiction book and learnt the names of the planets and ordered them from the nearest to the furthest away from the sun. We listened attentively to the book to learn some facts. Then Mrs Morris read out some jumbled up facts and we had to identify which planet they belonged to. In mathematics we have continued to practice counting accurately by saying one number name for each object. We also practiced arranging the objects on a ten frame and have continued to learn how to write each number. We have been Super Scientists learning about the sun and the planet earth. We investigated day and night. We learned that the sun is stationary and it is the earth revolving which gives us day and night. Independently we have also painted the earth, cut out planets carefully using the scissors, looked at non-fiction books about the planets as well as 'racing to each planet by making towers of cubes corresponding to a given number.


Week 2

Whatever Next!

This week we have introduced our theme about space by reading the text 'Whatever Next!'. We have listened attentively to the story and used it for our role play. We talked about what Baby Bear might like to take to the moon for his picnic and helped Mrs. Morris to write a shopping list by listening carefully to the sounds we could hear in words such as 'ham', 'pop' and 'egg'. In numeracy we have been learning how to write numbers 0 to 9. We have also been learning about how to use a ten frame to help us to count a given number of objects and then write the corresponding number. We also used 'moon dust' to write, created stars using two triangles and used cotton buds to dab paint into star shapes. We have talked about the moon and craters on its surface. We recreated the surface of the moon by placing coins under circular pieces of foil and pressing carefully with our fingers.

We have all been saddened by the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. We have spent time talking to the children about her and learnt that we now have King Charles III as our Monarch.

Week 1

The Colour Monster

We have returned this week to begin a new academic year. The children have really settled well into the school routines and expectations. We have had a really busy week learning all about the Colour Monster. We have read the book and talked about how the colour monster changes colour according to how he feels. We have discussed synonyms for the words 'happy' and 'sad' which included delighted, thrilled, excited, ecstatic, unhappy, upset, gloomy and miserable. We have been counting to 20, estimating and counting a given number of objects as well as recognising numbers. We have also been Super Scientists using our observational skills to discuss different colours of fruit and vegetables. We have painted and drawn colour monsters, made models using the playdough and retold the story with our friends using the puppets.


Summer Term B

Week 12

The coral reef

This week we have been learning lots of facts all about coral. Coral is an animal that grows as polyps which together form a colony. There are different varieties of coral which are very colourful. Coral gets its colour from algae which grow in the polyp's tentacles called zooxanthella. This also makes food for the polyp's. We learnt about the Great Barrier Reef which is on the coast of Australia. But the coral reefs are under threat from climate change. If the ocean is too hot or cold then the zooxanthella leave the polyp tentacles which is called bleaching. The coral appears white in colour and can get hungry. However it is able to recover and we can help by looking after and caring for our environment. We have created lots of different coral using paint on salt, cereals, blow painting and printing. We put them altogether to create a collaborative coral reef. 

Week 11

Jobs in the ocean

This week we have been 'diving under the sea'! We have learnt about the equipment that a scuba diver wears, labelled it and written about it. we imagined what we might see in the ocean if we were a scuba diver and wrote our own adventure independently. We even had a visit from Miss Jones dressed as a scuba diver using some equipment that a parent very kindly brought into school. We made a diver in a bottle using straws and paper clips. When we squeezed the bottle the diver descended and and when we let go it ascended. We have printed bubbles and made our own scuba diver masks using paper plates and black paper. In mathematics we have been using our skills and knowledge to solve number problems.

Week 10

Recycling and plastics

This week we have focused on the danger that plastic pollution poses to our oceans and marine life. We have discussed how we can help by reducing, reusing and recycling our plastic. We created our own posters to spread the message. We have been environmentalists monitoring the pollution in our own 'ocean'. We have painted on clingfilm and used plastic bags and bottle tops to create fish, turtles and jellyfish. In numeracy we have been sharing objects in half and a given number of fish equally between rock pools. For example 12 fish shared equally into 2 rock pools, then 3 rock pools and then 4 rock pools. 

We have had a really busy week too! It all started with wheelchair basket ball. It was great fun and we all showed great skill. We have had a transition visit to experience Year 1. We also participated in a multi-sports event at Lowdham Primary School with Reception children from other schools.

Week 9

Predators of the ocean

This week we learnt lots of facts about sharks. There are different species of sharks and we compared the similarities and differences between a Great White Shark and a Whale Shark. We labelled the parts of a shark and wrote some facts in our literacy books. We painted some sharks using different shades of blue and grey. We followed instructions to draw a shark and then drew some independently. e made sharks by folding a circle in half and adding the features. We also created fearsome sharks using some newspaper. In numeracy we focused on doubling numbers and wrote the corresponding number sentences. 

Week 8

Ocean habitats

This week we learnt about ocean habitats. We learnt that there are different ocean zones and that different species of marine life live in each different zone. We wrote about the ocean habitats in our literacy books. We were Super Scientists and made waves in a bottle as well as the ocean layers using different liquids. We mixed different shades of blue to represent the different zones and made waves to represent the surface of the ocean. In numeracy we continued our learning about subtraction. We recorded and solved some subtraction number sentences.

Week 7

Oceans of The World

This week we have identified the five oceans of the world and learnt some facts about each one of them. We wrote about the oceans in our literacy books. We have also learnt that that there are different zones of the ocean and that it gets darker the further down you go. Different animals live in the different zones. We have been Super Scientists and learnt that the sea is salty and made our own salt water by dissolving salt in to some fresh water. We investigated what happened to an egg when it was put in salt water compared to fresh water. We discovered that the egg floated in the salt water because of density. We investigated other objects too. We made jellyfish and did some marble rolling which looked like the waves of the sea. In maths we have been learning all about subtraction and recording and solving subtraction number sentences.


Summer Term A

Week 6

The Platinum Jubilee!

This week we have really enjoyed learning lots of facts all about the Queen to celebrate her Platinum Jubilee including watching the coronation and learning about the crown jewels. We wrote facts about the Queen independently. We painted portraits of the Queen and made flags and bunting. We completed our model of Buckingham Palace with the Foals which we started last week. It is the centrepiece for a display created by Miss O'Brien.  We celebrated the Platinum Jubilee with the rest of school by wearing red, white and blue and enjoying a picnic at lunchtime! What a great memorable week.

Week 5

Buckingham Palace

This week we have been learning facts about Buckingham Palace. We looked at and discussed both the exterior and interior. We wrote some facts in our literacy books. We also located it on Google Earth. We also learnt about the Changing of the Guards at Buckingham Palace including the poem by A. A. Milne called Buckingham Palace. We thoroughly enjoyed listening to a version by Petula Clark. We used our observational skills to draw Buckingham Palace and began making model of it which we will complete next week. We polished the 'Queen’s silver' as well as creating Guardsmen using fingerprints and lollipop sticks. In numeracy we continued to use counting on to help us to solve addition number sentences.

Week 4

Homes in cold places - The Arctic Circle

In contrast to last week, this week we have been learning about houses in the Arctic. We focussed particularly on igloos and log cabins. We learned how igloos are built and what they are like inside. We also learnt that both igloos and log cabins are warm inside because the materials that they are built with are good insulators. In literacy we wrote facts about igloos. To conclude our week we had a discussion about whether we would prefer to live in an igloo or an African mud hut and why. Then we had a vote and the preferred living accommodation in the Cubs was an igloo! In numeracy we learnt about counting on and how to use a number line to solve addition number sentences by counting on.

We created igloos in lots of different ways. Mrs. Morris helped us to draw an igloo step by step and then we had go independently. We cut out a dome shape for an igloo and then printed snow blocks onto it. We even made igloos from paper bowls and sugar cubes! We created log cabins by cutting strips of brown paper and arranging them horizontally. We also painted horizontal lines to create a log cabin. We continued creating log cabins and igloos using the construction too!

Week 3

Homes in hot places - Africa

This week we have been learning all about round houses in rural Africa. We talked about how they are different to our houses, how they are constructed and what they are like inside. We read the story 'Handa's Noisy Night' and wrote some facts about mud huts in our literacy books. We researched Africa by locating it on the globe and in an atlas as well as learning about the landscape, climate, some of its famous landmarks and animals. We made our own mud huts and created the sun using paint, clingfilm and cotton buds! In numeracy we focussed on 2D and 3D shapes using our spatial awareness to recreate different arrangements of cubes and construction materials outside. 

Week 2

My House

This week we have been discussing and writing about our own houses. We learnt about different types of houses such as detached, semi-detached, terraced, bungalows and flats. We used this information to determine which type of house our own houses are. We learnt about different materials which houses are built from and how they are constructed. We printed brick patterns and used them to create our own houses. We also made our own houses by cutting out a house shape and then folding the paper. We then drew the inside of our house and our families. In maths we have investigated the composition of numbers. We explored how each 'teen number' is composed of one full ten and a number of 'ones'. We related this to how each number is written. We also identified patterns on the 100 square. We counted in tens using the Numicon and grouped cubes into tens to find how many altogether.

We went to see the chicks this week. We thoroughly enjoyed holding them and we noticed how they had grown and changed. However, they returned to the farm on Friday to be with all their friends.

Week 1

St George's Day

This week we have been learning about the story of George and the Dragon. George lived long ago. He defeated a dragon and became the patron saint of England which is celebrated on St George's Day. In literacy we wrote about St George. We also learnt that we live in England which is a country in the United Kingdom. We learnt some facts about England such as the national flag is white with a red cross, the national flower of England is a red rose and that tea is considered to be a traditional English drink. We investigated what happened when we put a tea bag into water and learnt the rhyme 'Polly put the kettle on'. 

In maths we investigated how to determine whether a number is odd or even. We used houses, Numicon plates and cubes. We also identified the odd and even numbers on a number line and noticed that they alternated. We recreated the dragon's fire using shaving foam and red and yellow paint on the table. We have also made split pin knights and painted St George and the dragon. We celebrated St George's Day by making our own bunting and eating scones with jam and cream.

We were also very excited when some living eggs arrived at school in an incubator. We have been fascinated to see them hatch into chicks! We will continue to watch them grow over the next few weeks.

In addition the All Stars came to school to teach us some football skills.

Spring term B

Week 11

Happy Mothering Sunday!

This week we have been talking about our mums and how they are special to us. This helped us with our writing in our literacy books this week. Miss O'Brien helped us to make some amazing cards by using celery to print roses! Then we wrote in them with our best handwriting. We have also talked about the traditional tales that we have read over the last few weeks. We had a vote to find out which was our most popular traditional tale. The Gingerbread Man received the most votes! In numeracy we were recalling number bonds to 10, saying and recording the addition number sentences. Mrs. Morris performed some magic using a dice. When we rolled the dice Mrs. Morris was able to say which number was hidden underneath each time. We worked out that opposite numbers on a dice total 7. So for example if 5 was on the top 2 must be underneath. We have also made paper flowers, folded over the petals and investigated what happens when they were put into some water. In addition we have been engaged in some great learning outside in the lovely Spring sunshine. We have used our imaginations to create with the building materials and have enjoyed having the water out once again and using it to make 'lemonade'. 

Week 10

Amazing Art Week!

This week we have been amazing artists! We have been inspired by an African artist called Lubaina Himid. She uses a variety of different media and creates patterns as part of her artwork. We discussed the patterns we could see and used our sketchbooks this week to create our own patterns and experiment with different media such as soft pastels, oil pastels, wax crayons and a fine black felt tip pen. We then used our ideas to create a background for a portrait of Marcus Rashford or Nicola Adams. We combined media for our portrait which included ripping tissue paper the right size and shape to fit into an outline. It was a tricky challenge! We are very proud of our finished pieces of artwork! We also had an African drummer who visited school. We participated in two interactive assemblies and also had an opportunity to have a go at drumming ourselves. It was incredible and we thoroughly enjoyed it! We have also created our own artwork this week by using a pipette to drip the primary colours onto different types of of paper. We talked about how the paint reacted on each different type of paper and the colours we were able to create. We have also copied patterns, created animal patterns and drawn portraits of each other. We have also started our own art gallery outside! In addition we celebrated St Patricks Day and it was Red Nose Day. What a very busy week but a thoroughly enjoyable one!

Week 9

Jack and the Beanstalk

This week we have been learning all about Jack and the Beanstalk. We have focussed on the character of the giant. We discussed adjectives to describe the giant and thought of alternative words for 'big' such as 'huge' and 'massive'. We then used the adjectives we had generated to help us to write a description of the giant in our literacy books. In maths we have been comparing length and height. We have used vocabulary such as short, shortest, shorter; long, longest, longer and tall, tallest, taller. We have also used cubes to measure and compare playdough beanstalks as well as giant footsteps and Jack footsteps to measure the playground. We also investigated how far cars travelled using ramps at different heights. We have been Super Scientists and Great Gardeners planting beans and discussing what they need to grow. We made a castle in the clouds to put in our pots. We are wondering whose will germinate first! In addition we used blue and yellow to mix green and paint a beanstalk.

Week 8

Book Week, Jack and The Beanstalk and St David's Day!

It has been a very busy week. In literacy we have been reading our favourite books and writing about our favourite book character. We dressed up as book characters to celebrate World Book Day and we looked absolutely fabulous! We have also read the story of Jack and the Beanstalk which we will continue next week. In numeracy we investigated pairs of numbers which made 10. In teams we were challenged to arrange pairs of numbered leaves with a total of 10 on a beanstalk. We also celebrated St David's day by making flags and daffodils. We did some observational drawings and paintings of daffodils too. In addition we have been Super Scientists and have observed how the bulbs we planted in Autumn are growing now that Spring is on its way! We looked at a daffodil which had been dug up (it was replanted afterwards!). We learnt the names for the different parts of the daffodil and talked about how they grow. Finally, to finish our week an amazing story teller came to help us retell the story of the Three Billy Goats Gruff. We had such fun and it was a great way to end our busy week!

Week 7

The Three Billy Goats Gruff

This week we have really enjoyed learning all about the Three Billy Goats Gruff. In literacy we created a story map and used it to retell and write about the story. In numeracy we have been ordering numbers. In teams of ten we were each given a number and then challenged to arrange ourselves into the correct order! We also wrote our own number lines. We have played 'grab a handful' using cubes and arranged the cubes on a ten frame. We have made goats and trolls by rolling tubes using paper. We each made a hand print and then transformed it into a goat by adding some features using a pen and some cotton wool. We were challenged to mix green and then paint a troll. We investigated making a bridge for the goat and then challenged to see how strong the bridge was using stones. 

Spring term A


Week 6

The Gingerbread Man

This week we have been learning about the Gingerbread Man. We read the story and talked about the different characters in the story. We took on the role of the characters and  used appropriate voices. We created a story map to order the events in the story. Then we used it to retell our own version of the story incorporating movement and appropriate actions.

In numeracy this week we have continued to investigate number bonds and focused on 7 and 8. We explored different ways of making each total using two numbers with a variety of resources. We practiced saying and recording each addition number sentence and checked to ensure that we had found all possibilities each time.

We have been Super Scientists this week too! We discussed why the gingerbread man was reluctant to cross the water and predicted what would happen to him if he did. Then we tested what would happen to him by putting him in some water and used our observational skills to talk about how he changed. We then investigated which materials were waterproof. From our findings we discussed which material would be best for making a waterproof suit for the gingerbread man to wear so that he could swim across the river. 

Week 5

Chinese New Year

This week we have been learning all about Chinese New Year. Each year is named after an animal and this year it is the year of the tiger.  We read a story called The Great Race. The animals were challenged to a race by crossing a river. The animals crossed the river in different ways and we talked about whether this was fair. We wrote about the animals in our literacy books. We also learned about preparing for and celebrating Chinese New Year. We tasted some food and made our own dragons head and used it to create our own dragon dance! In numeracy we talked about ordinal numbers. We also investigated pairs of numbers which made 7 and 8. We arranged spots on a domino and used Numicon to help us.

Our independent learning challenges have included making medals, mixing orange to paint tigers and painting Chinese numbers. We have also made rafts just like the animals in the story. In addition we made Chinese lanterns and dragons. 

Week 4

Garden Birds

This week we learnt about garden birds. We focussed particularly on the robin. In literacy we labelled different parts of the robin and researched facts such as the life cycle, habitat and the food robins most enjoy eating. We listened to a robin singing and found out that they like to sing in the winter as well as in the spring. We also found out that they are solitary birds. We went outside to listen to the birds and see which birds we could identify. We also made some bird cake for the birds to enjoy.  In numeracy we investigated the number six. We found pairs of numbers which make six using Numicon plates and spots on a ladybird. We learnt how to record the addition number sentences and check that we had found all possibilities. We also arranged six cubes on a tens frame.

In addition this week we have painted robins and learnt how to draw a bird step by step. We have made robins and 'fed' birds 'worms' using tweezers. We also used our observational skills to identify which markings belonged to which birds.

We also had a visitor in school who introduced us to playing cricket. We had great fun!

Week 3

The Three Little Pigs

This week we have been learning all about the Three Little Pigs. We read the story and joined in with all the repeated phrases. We retold the story with our friends. In Literacy we talked about the characters and wrote what the pigs and the wolf said in speech bubbles. We looked closely at the text to find words and phrases to describe the wolf. We thought of other adjectives to describe the wolf and used these to write 'wanted' posters independently. In maths we have been learning all about subtraction. We used objects to take one away and we learned how to record a subtraction number sentence. 

We investigated using different materials to build a house for a pig. We even tested the strength of the houses using a hairdryer for the wolf's huff and puff! We mixed pink to paint pigs and added the features carefully using a felt tip pen. We also made the wolf by rolling brown paper into a tube and we made pigs by drawing round circles, cutting them out and adding pegs for legs! We created the story setting and then drew a map independently on whiteboards. Outside we built a pigs house and role played the story. 

Week 2

Goldilocks and the Three Bears

This week we have been learning all about Goldilocks and the Three Bears. In Literacy we sequenced the events and wrote about our favourite part of the story. We talked about the characters and used different voices and intonation when we were role playing the story. We have been Super Scientists and investigated our finger prints because we wanted to help the bears discover ‘who did it?’! We also designed and built chairs. We created the setting for the story and drew a map. We have made Goldilocks and bear headbands and painted the characters.

In maths we have focused on 'one less'. We have used bowls of porridge, bears and our fingers to find 'one less'. We have also used the number line to find 'one less' and talked about the fact that we are counting backwards.

Week 1

The Arctic 

This week have been learning about the Arctic. We discussed the landscape and compared it to Calverton. We have been Super Scientists and we talked about water being a liquid, ice being a solid and that when water freezes into ice and then melts back into water it is called a reversible change. We rescued some trapped animals using warm water and pipettes and made some ice decorations to hang on the trees outside. We even painted on some ice! We learnt about animals which live in the Arctic and that some are camouflaged. We created polar bear pictures using chalk and paint. We also learnt about Arctic explorers and read some sentences to dress our friend as an Arctic explorer. In maths we consolidated our knowledge of number bonds to 5 and investigated different ways of arranging 5 cubes. 


Autumn term B


Week 13

Christmas celebrations!

This week we have participated in some Christmas activities. We made some split pin reindeer’s and elves. We made some Christmas decorations and used our fingers to pinch and sprinkle the glitter. We learnt about and made Christingles. We ended the week with a great Christmas party! Happy Christmas Cubs!

Week 12

The Christmas Story

This week we have been learning all about the Christmas Story. The highlight of our week has been performing the Christmas Nativity. Well done Cubs and Foals for a great performance.

Week 11

St Andrews Day…and the rest!

What a cold and wintery start to the week. We enjoyed playing in the snow! 
This week we learnt about Scotland and celebrated St Andrews day. The Scottish flag is called the saltire and we made these independently. We mixed the colour purple to paint thistles. We looked carefully at tartan patterns an created our own with the paints. We even had shortbread to taste! We talked about the legend of the Loch Ness monster and discussed whether we thought it is true or not.

We investigated pairs of numbers which made five using ‘part, part, whole’. We checked that we had found all the ways by putting the addition number sentences in order and focussing on the number we had started with each time.

We have also had a very exciting week. We had a visit from a theatre company who performed Aladdin. We thoroughly enjoyed it!

We also had a trip to Brackenhurst where we role-played the Nativity story and did some Christmas crafts. Wow! What a busy week.

Week 10

Our Families 

This week we have been reading a non-fiction text called ‘Our Families’. We used the text to promote discussions about our own families. We each wrote and illustrated a page for a class book about our own families. We enjoyed reading and sharing books with each other during our independent learning. We chose a member of our family to paint. We cut out some people and joined them together in different ways to create our own family. We investigated shadow puppets and used them to tell stories. We even rescued families of bears from the cave using tweezers!

In maths we investigated the number four. We used numicon to find how many ways to make four using two numbers. We also had fun investigating how many different ways to arrange four squares on the screen. The rule was that they had to be touching each other. There were so many different ways!

Week 9

Paddington Bear

This week we listened to the story of Paddington Bear. We created a whole class character profile focusing on his appearance, personality and what he likes. We read and matched some labels about Paddington and his appearance. We also read and completed some sentences about Paddington. We painted Paddington and made split pin bears. 
In maths we investigated ways of making a total of three using two numbers. We shook and dropped some counters which were red on one side and yellow on the other. We recorded how many yellow ones and how many red ones each time.

Week 8


This week we learnt all about poppies. In literacy we labelled them and wrote a descriptive sentence. We also painted and printed them using potatoes. We made poppies by drawing around circles, cutting them out and overlapping them to make the petals. We talked about the life cycle of a poppy and what seeds need to help them to grow. We investigated what happened when we shone a torch through different red material like the sun shining through the poppy’s petals. We learnt about why we wear poppies and why they are important. We made poppy badges and observed the two minutes silence on Thursday 11th November.

In maths we continued to use different representations of 1, 2 and 3. We played a game with our friends. We took it in turns to turn over a card to see if they matched. We talked about who had the biggest and who had the smallest number.

Week 7

Celebrating Diwali and Bonfire Night

This week we have been learning all about Diwali. We made and wrote our own Diwali cards. We painted Mehndi patterns and made rangoli patterns. We also read a Tony Mitton poem about fireworks. We talked about the onomatopoeic words in the poem, thought of our own and then used them to create our own firework poem. We made our own rockets which we launched using a milk carton. In numeracy we focused on different representations of 1, 2 and 3. We are able to subitise these numbers!

Autumn Term A


Week 6

Vegetable Soup

This week we read and followed a recipe to make our own delicious vegetable soup! We used our observational skills to look carefully at a variety of different vegetables. We also learnt how to mix orange to paint some orange vegetables. In maths we used vegetables to make different repeating patterns. We also cut out different shapes to create a tractor with moving wheels.

Week 5

The Little Red Hen

This week we enjoyed the story of The Little Red Hen. We joined in with the repeated phrases, identified and labelled the characters and learnt how to write a speech bubble. We learnt how to use pipettes and investigated what happened when we dripped coloured water on to some flour. In maths we compared length and weight of objects. We also had a Harvest celebration. You can watch us singing the song ‘Dingle Dangle Scarecrow’ on the Harvest page of our school website.

Week 4

Dingle Dangle Scarecrow

This week we have been singing and signing the song 'Dingle Dangle Scarecrow'. In literacy we have labelled a picture of a scarecrow. During independent learning time we have been painting scarecrows as well as making our own scarecrow by carefully cutting out the pieces and joining them together using split pins. We also made some trees by ripping paper and fingerprinted some leaves on them. In maths we have continued to learn about size using vocabulary such as tall, short, wide and narrow. We have compared different sizes of containers by counting how many ladles of water and sand it takes to fill them.

We also had a visit from the fire service this week! We learnt about staying safe and we were able to sit in the fire engine too!

Week 3


This week we have been learning about autumn and went on an autumn walk around our school grounds to look at the changing colours of the trees. In literacy we read the story ‘The lost acorns’ all about Percy the park keeper and his friend squirrel. We talked about the characters and wrote their names. In numeracy we were comparing amounts of objects and focussed on the vocabulary ‘more’ and ‘fewer’. We also learnt how to use a five frame. During our independent learning we painted characters from the story and made a squirrel, attaching the tail using a split pin.

Week 2

Our busy bodies!

This week we have been learning about our bodies and how to keep ourselves healthy. We had a visit from Harold the Giraffe to help us with our learning. We used a hole punch and split pins to create a person. We have also been writing ‘I am’ followed by our names. In maths we have been using our observational and thinking skills to sort objects such as shapes and compare bears using different criteria. 

Week 1

Getting to know you

This week we have been getting to know each other, making new friends and exploring our environment. We have been learning each other’s names during circle times and playing a name game by swapping places when using the parachute. We have focused on saying and reading the words ‘I am…’. In maths we have been matching by making careful observations of objects such as buttons and socks. We have also painted a self portrait.


Summer term B

Our theme is ‘The Ocean’ which will include learning about sea life habitats.

Week 11

Reduce, reuse, recycle!

This week we have been learning all about how we can help to look after our environment. Unfortunately lots of rubbish and plastic finds it’s way into the oceans which is harmful to the sea life. So we designed posters to encourage everyone to dispose of their rubbish responsibly. We talked about the different types of materials and sorted items to recycle. We also created a polluted ocean using plastic, tea leaves, soil and oil. We collaged pictures of our earth and painted on cling film - recyclable of course!
For maths we focused on measuring length and height. We used cubes to measure bottles and tubes which we then recorded in our own way. We also measured each other with cubes including Mrs. Summerfield and Mrs. Morris!

Week 10

Ocean occupations 

This week our focus has been about divers. We have learnt about the equipment they wear to do their job. For literacy we wrote about divers. We have also made some diving equipment such as oxygen tanks and masks. We have also printed a bubble background for a picture of a diver we are going to create.
For maths we have been sharing amounts and numbers into equal groups. We read a book called ‘The doorbell rang’ and shared twelve cookies in different ways. We also played a game of ‘shark and fishes’. When the shark appeared the fish had to ‘hide’ behind a ‘rock’ (hoop) in equal numbers.

We have learnt to sign different sea creatures such as crab and shark. We used the signs we had learnt to help us sing a song.

Week 9


This week we have been learning about predators and focused specifically on sharks. In literacy we named and labelled different parts of a shark as well as writing some facts. Our independent learning challenges included creating a collage of a shark and mixing grey to paint a shark. We learned that the ocean has different zones including the sunlight zone, twilight zone and the dark zone. The sea life varies according to the zone and we made the different zones in a bottle! In maths we investigated doubling numbers in different ways such as using our fingers, a ten frame and making two column arrays. We recorded the doubles we were able to make and noticed that when a number is doubled it’s always an even number!

Week 8

Life in the ocean.

This week we read a fiction book about animals and plants which live in the ocean. We wrote our own sentences about animals and plants in the ocean. Our tricky challenge was to include a adjective in each sentence. We looked at the salt crystals we started making last week. They were amazing. We talked about how the water had evaporated which led to a discussion about the water cycle. We each made an octopus with hand prints and added rice crispiest for suckers! Our painting challenge was to paint fish with a stripy pattern.

In maths we continued to focus on ‘take away’. We learnt the word ‘subtraction’ and how to read and solve subtraction number sentences by counting back along the number line.

We also enjoyed football again.

Week 7

What is the ocean?

This week to introduce our theme of the ocean we talked about our own experiences of going to the seaside and wrote about the seaside for literacy. Tuesday was World Ocean Day and we participated in some activities with the National Marine Aquarium, Plymouth through their website. We also learnt that the oceans are salty. We investigated dissolving salt in water and started some salt crystals. We also compared the density of salt water and fresh water by observing what happens to an egg when put into each type of water. We also explored mixing different shades of blue to represent the ocean  and made jellyfish.

In maths we were involved in practical games and activities focusing on ‘taking away’. We enjoyed singing Ten Green Bottles.

For PE we have started practising football skills.


Summer Term A

This term our theme is ‘Houses and Homes’.


Week 6

Homes in the past

This week we learnt about what it was like to live in a house long ago. We found out facts about how people used to keep warm, wash clothes, cook food, light a room when it was dark and have a bath. One of our favourite facts was the toilet being situated outside! For literacy we wrote our favourite facts. We investigated different soaps to find out which was the best for removing a stain. We also made our own soap flakes.

In maths we used different strategies to solve addition number stories such as using our fingers, a number line and a tens frame. We also counted on along a number line to calculate the total to complete addition number sentences.

We also made a thaumatrope with a happy and sad face and printed patterns using a bun tray! We mustn’t forget our special visitor too. Harold the giraffe came to talk to us all about our bodies and how to keep healthy.

Week 5

Africa continued…

We enjoyed learning about African homes last week so we continued to learn more about Africa. Our text this week was Handa’s Surprise. We sequenced the events in the story, identified the adjectives used to describe the fruit and also talked about the questions. We wrote about the story in our literacy books. We used our observational skills to describe the fruit that Handa put in her basket. We also learned about different animal patterns and recreated them in the painting area.

In maths this week we built numbers beyond ten. We explored numbers to 20 and learnt how they are one full ten and… We also looked at numbers on the 100 square and focused on counting in tens. We used this knowledge to play a ten frame game and arrange objects into groups of ten to find out how many altogether.

Week 4

An African home

This week we have learnt about homes in rural Africa and written some facts for literacy. We also located Africa on a globe and talked about the hot climate using a torch to represent the sun. We used paint, cling film, a fork and cotton buds to create our own red hot sun independently. In maths we were great maths detectives and investigated pairs of numbers which make ten. We also sang an African song and used body percussion and drums to tap out the beat.

Week 3

Other Royal Residences

We did some learning at home this week as well as at school. We learned about some other royal residences such as Windsor Castle, Balmoral and Sandringham. We did some research and wrote some facts. We also made some very regal crowns. In maths we explored pairs of numbers which made seven and eight. We also calculated missing numbers by counting how many bean bags we could see and counting on to find how many were hidden.

Week 2

Buckingham Palace

This week we have been learning about London and facts about the Royal Residence Buckingham Palace. Did you know it has 78 bathrooms? For literacy we wrote facts that we had learned. In maths we explored ways of making 4, 5 and 6 with two numbers. Then we had to solve a problem. We had to arrange 6 different dot patterns to make totals of 4, 5 and 6. We also painted portraits of the Queen and polished shiny objects using different types of cloths. We had fun on some balance bikes too!

Week 1

All about my house

This week we have been learning all about our own houses. We looked at pictures of our own houses and talked about what they are like inside. We have talked about different types of houses such as detached, semi-detached, bungalows and so on. For literacy we wrote about our own houses. We looked at how bricks overlap in a brick wall. We recreated the texture of bricks by adding sand to paint and using wooden bricks to print a brick wall pattern. We cut out a house shape and drew and labelled the inside of our house.

In maths we have been arranging different numbers of houses in pairs and identifying whether a number is odd or even. We also arranged houses along a road so the even numbers were on one side and the odd numbers on the other. We have also celebrated St George’s day.


Spring Term B

We began this half term by continuing to do some great learning both in school and at home. Then we have all enjoyed being back at school with our friends!


Week 12


This week we learnt all about Easter. We learnt about why we celebrate Easter, made an Easter card and wrote a message inside in our best writing. We also made an Easter bunny hat independently. At home we made Easter bonnets and brought them to school and had an Easter bonnet parade. We also made Easter baskets for an Easter egg hunt. We made Some yummy Easter nests and learnt about how chocolate changes from a solid to a liquid and back to a solid again. It’s called a reversible change! We tasted hot cross buns and learnt to sing and sign ‘hot cross buns’. Can you spot us signing?
In maths this week we focused on the tens frame and counted two groups altogether which made a total of ten.

Week 11

Captain Sir Tom Moore

This week we have been learning all about Captain Sir Tom Moore. We wrote some facts we had learnt for literacy and used them to design a suitable medal to reflect his life. We used our observational skills to draw pictures of him. We also talked about the adventures he had been on and discussed where we would choose to go on an adventure. We learnt about Florence Nightingale and as she was known as ‘the lady of the lamp’ we made our own lamps. We ‘grew’ rainbows using felt tip pens on kitchen towel and dipping it in water.

We used the 100 square to compare ages. We talked about how many squares we would colour in according to age. Four or five for us and one hundred for Captain Sir Tom! We also explored different ways of making six and then found the matching addition number sentences.

Week 10

The Colour Monster continued...

This week we have continued learning about the colour monster. We created our own page for the book focusing on the feeling of worry. We voted for the colour purple to represent the feeling of worry. We used red and blue to mix the colour purple and paint a colour monster. We have been Super Scientists by making some cabbage water which was blue and changed it to pink by adding vinegar and then purple by adding bicarbonate of soda.
We have also enjoyed practising reading independently to our friends! We also learnt all about St Patrick's Day and celebrated by making flags, hats and leprechauns. It was also Comic Relief.

In maths this week we have been sequencing daily events as well as looking at two dimensional shapes.

What a busy week!

Week 9

The Colour Monster

We welcomed back all our friends to school this week. We have settled back into the school routine amazingly well! We have all been chosen for 'Star of The Week'.

This week we have reading the book 'The Colour Monster' and focused on the feeling of being happy and the colour yellow.  We have talked and written about what makes us happy. We looked at and discussed sunflowers and Vincent Van Gogh's painting of sunflowers. Then we used pastels to draw our own sunflower independently!

We have mixed different shades of yellow to paint our own colour monster, used our observational skills to look at yellow fruit and vegetables and made models of the colour monster using yellow play dough. In maths we have been naming and talking about the properties of 3D shapes and creating repeating patterns.

What a great week back at school. Well done Cubs!


Week 8

The Gingerbread Man

What a busy week we have had! We started the week by learning all about and celebrating St David's Day. We made Welsh flags and daffodils. We also did some observational drawings of daffodils and tasted Welsh cakes. We even had leeks in the role play and 'made' leek soup and leek pie!

Then we read the story of the Gingerbread man. In the role play area we had some gingerbread man play dough to make gingerbread men when role playing the story. We followed a recipe to make and decorate gingerbread men we could actually eat. We had to be quick before they ran away! For the reading challenge we ordered the instructions for making gingerbread men. We also wrote speech bubbles for the characters.

We investigated what would happen to the gingerbread man in different temperatures of water.

In maths we counted and ordered numbers backwards from 20 to 1. We also sorted some dominoes into groups by counting the total number of spots. We sorted those which were more than, fewer than or the same as a given number.

It was also World Book Day and we enjoyed dressing up as our favourite book character.

At home

Week 7

The Three Billy Goats Gruff

This week our text has been The Three Billy Goats Gruff. After reading the story we created a story map and enjoyed role playing the story both inside and outside. We even used the appropriate voices for the characters! Then we able to write some speech bubbles for the characters. Can you spot us doing some Three Billy Goats Gruff story yoga? We grew some tasty green grass for the goats too in the small world.

In maths we have been ordering numbers and exploring ways of using two numbers to make totals of nine and ten. We have been writing our own addition number sentences.

We have also had fun making handprint goats and building a bridge across the river.


Spring Term A

The children are doing some great learning! Scroll down below to see what we have been doing each week both at school and at home. Well done Cubs!

Week 6

Jack and the Beanstalk

What a busy half term it has been both at school and at home. This week our text has been Jack and the Beanstalk. We have enjoyed retelling the story in the small world using our own words. We followed instructions to plant a bean seed and made a castle to put in the pot. I wonder whose bean seed will grow to the castle first? We thought of alternative words to describe the size of the giant and made a giant cookie. But look out! who's that? Can you spot the giant?

In maths we have been measuring, comparing and ordering objects by length. We made some play dough bean stalks and measured them using paper clips.


Week 5

The Three Little Pigs

This week our text has been the story of The Three Little pigs. We have put the events of the story in order and enjoyed role play using the appropriate voices for each character. We wanted to find the wolf after he had run away so we wrote 'Wanted' posters. We also did some Three Little Pigs reading activities.

We have been learning all about heavy and light during maths and ordering objects by weight.

We have been engineers building houses that are strong enough to withstand the huff and puff of the wolf. We used a hairdryer to test the strength of our houses.

Week 4

All about birds.

This week we have focused on birds. We have been observing birds outside and talking about what we have seen. We even have a very own resident robin! To encourage the birds we made bird feeders. As part of our literacy we wrote the instructions for making the bird feeder. We have labelled a blackbird and learned some facts about robins including completing a robin reading challenge!

In maths we have been number detectives! We have investigated different numbers. We arranged six birds on two branches in different ways. We also investigated ways of making eight by arranging spots on a ladybird.

We continue to do some great home learning too! Look at what we have done. Camouflaged bird spotting binoculars, painted stones, bird feeders....!

Week 3

The Elves and The Shoemaker

Our story this week has been the Elves and The Shoemaker. We have been looking at and talking about all sorts of different shoes! We have written about our favourite pair of shoes and designed and made shoes. We have written about what would happen if our shoes were magical! We have estimated and counted how many cubes fit in different sized shoes. We have also counted how many pairs of shoes fit in a dinosaur footprint!


Week 2

Goldilocks and the Three Bears

This week we have been enjoying the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. We have completed some great learning both in school and at home. We have role played the story using different voices for the characters. We have written about our favourite part of the story and made cards for the Three Bears to say sorry from Goldilocks. We have been reading, writing and ordering numbers to twenty.

We have also been engineers, designing and making a chair for the Three Bears for them to sit on and watch a film together!



Week 1

The Arctic

This week we have been Arctic explorers! We made some binoculars to look at the environment and observe the animals that live there. We drew pictures of Arctic animals and wrote facts about the Arctic including learning about Inuits. For our reading challenge we had to dress up as an Arctic explorer by reading instructions that told us what to put on.

We did lots of counting and played a number game.


Super Scientists!


The First Christmas 

Here is Cubs and Foals Christmas performance. They have done amazingly well. We hope you enjoy it!
We would like to wish you all a very merry Christmas and a peaceful New Year.



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Clip clop

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Knock knock

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Following the star

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Away in a manger

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Jesus is born

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A harvest song.

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Autumn 1

We have enjoyed exploring our new environment and have been doing lots of great learning!


Cubs Welcome.MOV

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Cub's children from 2019-2020

Sport Relief

We took part in sport relief. We had to collect four different coloured bands. Well done Cubs! You were amazing!

Science Week!

We had lots of fun exploring and investigating during science week. We used our observational skills and discussed what we saw. You can look at what we did in the photos below!

We took part in the RSPB Big Bird Watch

Harvest Festival at the Methodist Church.

Lunchtime on our first day at school.

Using the outside area on our first day!
