
Manor Park Infant and Nursery School

Learning Together Success Forever

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At Manor Park Infants School we provide high quality Religious Education which follows the Nottinghamshire agreed syllabus. Promoting spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of every pupil. Our pupils will know about and understand a range of religions and worldviews. They will express ideas and insights of their own into the significant human questions which religions address, gaining and deploying the skills needed to study religion. It will provoke challenging questions about human life, beliefs, communities and ideas. They discover, explore and consider many different answers to questions about human identity, meaning and value. They learn to weigh up for themselves the value of wisdom from different communities, to disagree respectfully, to be reasonable in their responses to religions and world views and to respond by expressing insights into their own and others’ lives. They think rigorously, creatively, imaginatively and respectfully about their ideas in relation to religions and world views.


What makes me appreciate religions around the world?

Subject Leader: Mr Mannion

Link Governor for RE: Christie Taylor

Request for Children to be Withdrawn

It is recognised that parents have the right to request that their children be withdrawn from Religious Education lessons – in its entirety or in part. To make such a request, they need to formally write to the head teacher.

The right of any member of staff to withdraw from the teaching of RE is recognised and respected.
